How Well Do You Know Your Watch?

If you wear a watch, don’t look at it while reading this!

Now answer this question: Does your watch have numeric, roman numerics or no numeric indicators on its face?

I have asked that question to many people and believe it or not, less than 20% of them got the answer right! Yes, only one out of five people really know the answer to that question eventhough they’ve been wearing the same watch for years!

So did you get it right?

Personally, I never wear a watch. I think that watches nowadays are really jewellery instead of timepieces. I’m already surrounded by watches and clocks everywhere I go anyway, so why burden my wrist with a redundant device?

  • There’s a clock on my computer desktop
  • There’s a clock on my car’s dashboard
  • Even the car radio has a built in clock function (although I haven’t figured out how to set it correctly after 5 years)
  • When watching TV, my Astro satellite unit displays the time along with the channel information
  • There’s a clock in every room in my house (except the bathrooms, where I think it’s needed the most… maybe I’ll put up some)

We’re surrounded by devices that tells us the time… so do you really need a watch?

If I were to ever get a watch for myself, I’d probably get a Technomarine watch. Not that I’m a frequent sea-traveler or a diver, but just because it looks pretty darn solid. It’s still not too late to get me a Christmas gift, you know ?

By the way, when you checked your watch earlier, what was the time? I bet you didn’t remember, right?

It’s not surprising. Most people check their watch not to tell the time, but to calculate the remaining time to their next event. For example, if you’re in a meeting that’s scheduled for one hour, you won’t actually look at the time per se, but counting down how many minutes are remaining for the meeting.

Unbelievable? Believe it.

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